Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking
Direct Mail Reaches All Ages
“Direct mail surprisingly transcends the age demographic, with younger consumers (the 18- to 34-year-old demographic) preferring to learn about marketing offers via postalmail rather than online sources, according to national survey research from ICOM,” said Lisa Formica, president of FMI, a direct mail marketing and advertising firm.
Yeah but then there’s the whole USPS nightmare to deal with, right?
Will they raise rates again? Will they file for bankruptcy?Maybe direct mail isn't worth it because of having to deal with the United States Postal Service?
“The USPS has may many advances over the years that has made direct mail more measurable and an even better value for marketers,” added Erik Formica, also of FMI and an executive member of the Greater Philadelphia Postal Custom Council. “For example, the introduction of the Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) has opened a range of new services and cost savings for marketers.”
Ok, so people like to touch and feel and presumably open direct mail, and it’s not just for the older demos, either. And even the USPS is doing their part.
So why aren’t more marketers using direct mail?
According to The Kern Organization, it comes down to a matter of training and experience, or lack thereof–as explained in their blog post, Is There Still A Place For Direct Mail in This Digital Age?
- Few marketers these days have had the training required to produce winning packages time after time.
- Many marketers lack the experience and confidence needed to design an effective testing strategy.
I can tell you as one who cut his marketing teeth in the world of direct mail marketing, training and education play a huge role in producing successful direct mail campaigns.
And as anyone who has ever initiated a direct mail strategy, testing is paramount.
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