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Bulk Postcard Mailing Services

Bulk Postcard Mailing Services

Looking For Postcard Mailing Services?

Direct mail marketing with postcards is effective and will grow your business. Utilize the vast amount of personal data that is available for targeting your ideal customers or send bulk postcard to door direct mail callers at the zip code or route level to get the word out fast and cheap and build your brand.

Mail King USA provide an end to end postcard mailing service. Get it all done in one place from design to delivery. We make it easy.

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Advantages Of Bulk Postcard Mailing Services

bulk postcard mailing service

Timely and Flexible Postcard Mailing Services

Stand out in the mailbox with your own advertisement when it's right for your business with special offers, reminders, special events and holidays.

Postcards Are Relevant

Reach a specific audience by attracting new customers or reward loyal ones with custom offers just for them

Postcard Mailings Are Measureable

Your customer transaction/redemption information can be analyzed to measure effectiveness

bulk mail postcards

Highly Targeted Postcard Mailings Lists

Leveraging big data and thousands of mailing list selects allows you to mail only the most profitable prospects and drive massive ROI.

Personalize Each Postcard

Improve your response rate by over 30%. Break your mailing into multiple segments each with personalized graphics and text that will appeal to that segment.

Most Effective Uses For Direct Mail / Bulk Postcard Marketing

Bulk Postcard Mailing Service

Mass Postcard Radius Mailings 

This is where you mail to all, or some, of the homes in a radius around a center point location which may be a job site or a place of business. Learn more about radius mailers here

Targeted Consumer Bulk Postcard Mailings

Save with bulk postage and target your list. Leverage all the data that is available at the home level in order to mail only the best and most ideal "customers-to-be" around your location. Filter by age, income, gender, presence of kids, disposable income, net worth, home value, ultra affluent indicators, marital status, and much more.  Mail King USA helps you leverage this personalized data to using variable data graphics in your postcard art to get you the best ROI. No more waste in your marketing, get more of your best customers!

new mover postcard mailing services

New Mover Mass Postcard Mailings


Replace customer who have moved away and capture the new movers in your market area before your comptetitors do. Welcome the new movers with a very generous offer to your business and win a customer for life! Don't miss this massive opportunity with new mover mailing list.

Every Door Direct Mail Bulk Postcards (EDDM)

post card mailing service

Mail your postcards to carrier routes around your location, use a larger postcard size, and spend less than on postage than other mail types. 

Bulk Mail Postcards, Mass Postcard Mailers, Zip Code Mailings, Saturation Mailings

Mail some or all of the addresses in a given area, carrier route, city, zip code, couty, region or state. There are endless options here. Call for quotes.

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postcard mailing service


Postcard Mailing Services FAQ

Do You Offer The Best Bulk Postcard Mailing Services?

Yes! As a full service commerical direct mail marketing company, we offer our clients the best bulk postcard mailing services also known as mass postcard mailings. This means we have the software that will enable us to sort your mail and qualifiy for all the best discounts on postage and give you a better ROI! The bulk mail postcard threshold is only 200 pieces of mail and there are discounts at various levels that are associated with mail route density levels.

Do You Offer Business (B2B) Postcard Mailing Services?

Yes! Mail King offers business postcard mailing services. We can help you get the best business mailing list for your postcard campaign. You can filter your business postcard list by many factors including revenue, number of employees, location, and industry code to name a few. 

Do You Offer Mass Postcard Mailing Services?

Yes! Mass postcard mailing services is a term often used interchangably with bulk postcard mailing service but may have a differnt meaning. Bulk mail may refer to any postcard mailing over 200 pieces that then qualifies for discounted postage rates with the USPS. Mass mailing on the other hand may refer more to any large scale mailing that clients may have. Usually, when someone talks about mass mailing, they are thinking about hitting whole neighborhoods or a given zip code.They may also just be thinking about a huge customer list they have that they want to mail in mass. best postcard mailing service

What Is The Best Size For My Bulk Mail Postcard?

The best size for your bulk mail postcard marketing campaign depends on who you are mailing to and your campaign goals. If you are mass mailing postcards to your client list and notifity them of an event or sale, then you may only need to send a 4x6 card. This is becuase they will likely recognize your logo, or brand, and make a point to read it. However, if you are trying to reach new customers then bigger is better and you will want to go with a larger post card like 5.5x8.5 or, my favorite, the 6x11. These larger postcard sizes will stand out in the mail apart from the bills and #10 envelope mailers. You will also have more space on your postcard for images and headlines that will grab attention and communicate your message.

What Kinds Of Templates For Bulk Postcards Do You Offer?

Your business is unique and so should your art be. We craft unique postcard designs for all our clients that do not have in house designers. While there are general prinicpals to follow in the postcard design world, we do not use pluf and play templates like most other companies out there. Don't settle for a template. Let the uniqueness of your business shine in all of its glory!

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bulk postcards

What’s The Difference Between Direct Mail Postcards and EDDM® Bulk Postcards?

EDDM mailings have been around forever. The post office only recently branded the program and made it accesiable to small business owners. EDDM is basically saturation mail which reaches all mass mail postcardshomes on a given route. You just pick your routes and EVERY home gets the mailer. With EDDM bulk postcard mailings there will be no name or even address on the card becuase there is no list. The postal person just adds one to every stack going into the mail box. EDDM bulk postcard marketing must also be done with a postcard that is larger and classifies as a flat like an unfolded 8.5x11 postcard or a 6x12. The smaller 6.5x9 is also popular but adds no real value in my opinion. If you are going to go for EDDM bulk mail postcards then you may as well go big!

Regular direct mail postcards, on the other hand, use a mailing list. With regular direct mail postcards, you may still target every home but using a list. This type of mailing is called saturation mail, bulk mail, mass mail, or even zip code mailing. If, however, you do not mail every home, then your mailing becomes a targeted postcard mailing. Targeted postcard mailings are more like using a rifle as opposed to a shot gun. The targeting postcard mailing approach minimizes advertising waste and should improve your ROI. It also allows for powerful strategies like variable image printing and hyper personalized designs. There are thousands of ways to target your postcard mailing list so why not take advantage of them.

Can I Print On Both Sides Of My Bulk Mail Postcards?

 Yes! It still suprises me how many people do not know that you can use both sides of the postcard. Don't waste the space on the backside where the address and postage go.This is valuable space where you can restate your offer and call to action. Standard postcards are full color and double sided. The cost savings for black and white is not worth it. With few exceptions, use both sides and use color.

bulk mail postcardsHow Long Would It Take To Print And Mail My Postcards?

Mail King USA offers one of the fastest turn times in the industry. Printing and mailing postcard services don't need a long run time and we know your mailings are timely. Once we have your art and list in hand we can have your postcard mailing out the door in as little as 24 hours if needed. The turnaround time is just the same for a bulk postcard mailing, a mass postcard mailing or if it is a targeted postcard mailing. With targeted postcard mailing services we just usually need to get the mailing list but that can be done the same day usually. Normal postcard print and mail turn times is just 2-3 days. The only expection to this is if there is a special paper stock we need to order for your postcard mailing.

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bulk postcard printing and mailing service

Is There A Min or Max Print Quantity When Mass Mailing Postcards?

There is no minimum or maximum quantity for printing and mailing. What we do have is a minimum invoice for each job which is $600. A general rule is that you can mail 600 of just about anything for $600. That would include your list, postage, print, cut, address, and mail. This does not apply to over runs or extras you may want from a job that mails out. This may also not apply to a job where we print a large amount up front  and then drop it over a period of time in smaller amounts.  If you want us to print and mail less than 600 pieces, we can certainly do that. The price will be the same though. For some clients, they just don't have the time and want it handled and so they outsource these smaller projects. There are also many times where the list is simiply small and it doesn't make sense to mail more such as with ABC mailings or government radius mailing notices.

Do You Offer Bulk Postcard Mailing Design Services?

Yes! Many clients do not have design firms they work with or someone in house with the ability to create a quality design. Having a good design will really impact the results of your postcard campaign. Poor designs reflect on the quality of your company and may even cause you sales over the long run. Don't skimp on your design. A good design will cost $200. While you can get them done cheaply, it usually ends up backfiring with a poor design or way to much time spent going back and forth with a poor designer. You also dont want to use a template that every other businesses has used.


Setup Your Bulk Postcard Mailing Services Today

Mail King USA provides bulk postcard mailing services businesses nationwide for bulk postcard marketing, mass mailers, letters, flyers and all types of direct mail marketing campaigns. We can develop, create and implement all aspects of your direct mail postcard marketing campaign. A strong focus on quality service, Effective Direct Mail Marketing Services and relationship is our goal. We make it easy for you.

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