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Construction Permit List Data For Mailings

bigstock Home Improvement Construction permit marketing 6933098Why Mail Construction Permit List Data?

Regular construction permit list mailings may be just the thing your business needs to hit your goals this year. Are you aware of this lead source?  Are you looking for a new place to get business? Regular weekly or monthly construction permit list mailings are highly effective and may be the way to take your home improvement business to the next level. 

Best Types of Mailings For A Permit List

Getting a postcard, letter, brochure or other type of mailer in to the hands of your best prospects at the best time and before your competitors is as good as gold when it comes to marketing your business. When it comes to construction permit leads time is critical so you may want to take advantage of a weekly permit lead subscription along with regularly prescheudled mailings. This is the type of thing you will want to have setup on auto pilot. Work with your print and mail company of choice to arrange this process. 

Types of Construction Permits Available For Mailing

There are many types of constrcution permits available. No real need to list them here, you know what they are, you deal with this everyday, perhaps more often then you like sometimes! Bottom line is if a permit is needed then it is recorded and the information is available.

Can I Mail Construction Permit Data in My Area?

Construction permit leads are available by city and by county and available in most states. The construction permit leads are updated daily, weekly, monthly and at other intervals from our sources.  Pricing of the leads varies and is based on a subscription to a given city or county. Prices usually average between 20-40 cents per lead. Your actual mailing costs depend on a variety of factors like the type of piece you send out such as a postcard or a letter. Also, included is the total quantity you mail each week or month. Pricing for print and mail portion along with postage for your mailing usually will range from 40 cents up to 80 cents. This is in addition to the cost for the construction permit list leads. 

If you are interested in getting started with this type of mailing feel free to give us a call. We can help answer any questions you have an get you going in the right direction.

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