New Movers | New Homeowner Postcard Mailings
Did you know? There are 120,349 new movers (people that moved into a new location) in California during the month of September 2014?
Where will these new movers shop, eat, bank, get their nails, hair and teeth cared for?
New mover and new homeowner postcard marketing is huge!
Companies spend thousands of dollars every day to try to capture new customers, but how often do you stop and think about where they came from? What percentage of your new customers over the last 6 months have recently moved into the area? Instead of marketing to everyone in an area, or even by a general demogrpahic target, how about targeting new movers or new homeowners specifically. Leverage this powerful type of mailing list and reap huge rewards with your direct mail postcard marketing.
New homeowner postcard marketing is huge beucase these guys jut got dumped in a new place and have little to no connections necessary to operate daily life. New movers and new home owners will eat out, alot in fact, until they get settled in. They will need a dentist, a doctor, a good hair stylist, a nail salon, good places to buy clothes, get groceries, and even bank. I am sure you can think of even more great categories for new movers.
New mover postcard marketing is essential
In fact, think about this. Even if you have the best brand in a city for 30 years. To the new renter, or new homeowner, you are a NOBODY! You can never survive on last years marketing efforts. You are either growing your marketing share or losing it.
Use postcard marketing to new home owners or new movers to keep (or gain) market share.
Does this describe your ideal customer? Do you have a product or service that appeals to new movers or new home owners? Let them know you exist and what you can do for them. Mail them a postcard, letter or brochure about your company. Do it using the power of direct mail marketing with a powerful mailing list to new homeowners.
New mover or new homeowner mailing lists work
This mailing list not for you? Call me to get a direct mail list custom tailored to your ideal customer profile. We can find them...and help them find you. Mention this article and save $50 off your mailing list.
Get started marketing to new movers or new homeowners
Call Mail King USA or click here to get a direct mail quote online now.