Variable Data Printing (VDP)
What if you could increase your direct mail marketing response rates by 34% on average? What would that do for your business?
With variable data printing this is not only possible but normal. Leveraging customer data to personalize your direct mail marketing will make a huge impact on the open rates, response rates and customer engagement.
So where does the "variable data" come from?
- Option 1: You gather it. Gathering data from your existing customers is one of the most effective ways to solidify your customer base, get more referrals and drive overall sales. Age, birthdays, address info, marital status, income, profession, pet type, pet name, do they have kids, how old are they, hobbies, interests, purchasing data, and on and on. You can use all this information to your advantage when marketing to your customers. You can also use this information to create a blue print of you best customers and then go find more of them! Sad part is most business owners are too lazy to do the leg work here. What will you do?
- Option 2: You buy it. There is more data available on your "soon-to-be-customers" then you would have ever thought. If you can describe in detail who your ideal client is then you can buy a list of those that match the profile. Don't have any data on your ideal clients? No worries, give Mail King a call and we can share what we know with you.
Variable Data Postcard Printing Example
Don't miss out on this powerful direct mail tool. Give Mail King a call to discuss your variable data printing project ideas or to think some up together.